Experto Universitario en Postgraduate Diploma in English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI & ESP), Multimodal Communication and Technologies

Experto Universitario
No presencial
8 de Octubre de 2024 a 27 de Mayo de 2025
Modalidad Online (MS Teams/Zoom + Campus Virtual de la ULPGC)
Dra. Dª. María Soraya García Sánchez
1.200,00 €
180,00 €
300,00 €
420,00 €
300,00 €
Del 2 de Mayo de 2024 al 17 de Septiembre de 2024 . Acceder a la preinscripción

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For more information, please see the Registration Guide on the left side menu.

Título Propio de Posgrado (MECES 3)

Dirigido a

If you are eager to enhance your English teaching methodologies within an English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI) framework and contribute to the internationalisation of your classrooms, this programme is for you. It provides you an opportunity to develop both your English language proficiency (up to level C1/C2) and your pedagogical techniques within the EMI framework. Emphasis is, also, placed on multimodal communication and the use of technological resources to enrich learning experiences.

This personalised, online Postgraduate Diploma is designed for educators with a B2 level of English proficiency and a university degree in any field. Enrolment priority will be granted to full-time university professors who meet these criteria. Additionally, vocational training or adult education instructors, as well as bilingual educators, may find the programme beneficial.

The programme runs from October to June, with most synchronous sessions primarily held on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons, and starting at 16:30 (GMT). This flexible timetable is crafted to suit participants and facilitate effective participation.

You have the option to enroll in the full programme or select specific modules based on your interests.



Soraya García Sánchez


Código Asignatura Tipo Curso Impartición Periodo ECTS Horas
AS01 Training For C1 - C2 English Obligatoria 1 Primer semestre 5.0 125
AS02 Communication And Multimodality In International Multilingual Environments Obligatoria 1 Primer semestre 5.0 125
AS03 Methodological Teaching Training, Communication And Intercultural Intelligence For Emi / Esp Obligatoria 1 Segundo semestre 5.0 125
AS04 Technology-mediated Language Learning Approaches For The Emi / Esp Lesson Obligatoria 1 Primer semestre 2.0 50
AS05 Designing International Emi / Esp Programmes Obligatoria 1 Segundo semestre 1.8 45
AS06 Delivering Your International Emi / Esp Course Obligatoria 1 Segundo semestre 1.2 30


Apellidos y nombre Entidad
Beltrán Palanques, Vicent (Dr.) Universitat Jaume I
Díaz Jiménez, Alicia ULPGC
Fidalgo González, Leticia María (Dra.) ULPGC
García Sánchez, María Soraya (Dra.) ULPGC
Greenier , Vincent (Dr.) University of Aberdeen
López Serrano, Sonia (Dra.) Universidad de La Laguna
Luján García, Carmen Isabel (Dra.) ULPGC
Pérez Cañado, María Luisa (Dra.) Universidad de Jaen
Rodríguez Gil, María Esther (Dra.) ULPGC
Sandu , Bianca Manuela (Dra.) ULPGC
Underwood , Joshua British Council
Wilding , Anne British Council


Competencias generales

Código Nombre
CG01 To enhance English language communication and get a high-level qualification for level C1/C2.
CG02 To implement practical new teaching and lecturing skills in English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI) and/or in English for Specific Purposes (ESP).
CG03 To promote the use a range of strategies and practical activities for EMI/ESP and the interactive/communicative/multimodal classroom.
CG04 To implement technology-mediated language learning and apply digital skills and resources to the interactive/communicative/multimodal EMI/ESP classroom.
CG05 To develop higher education professionals and other teaching teaching staff in a linguistic, intercultural, collaborative and interdisciplinary theoretical and practical framework for EMI/ESP.
CG06 To demonstrate multimodal, communicative and teaching skills in EMI/ESP.

Competencias específicas

Código Nombre
CE01 To communicate successfully in a variety of difficult topics for level C1/C2.
CE02 To master classroom language, multimodality and interaction.
CE03 To understand the varieties of the English language.
CE04 To communicate in English being aware of a cross-cultural context.
CE05 To adapt teaching/learning strategies to the functions of the communicative competence for the EMI/ESP class.
CE06 To design (technological -mediated) materials and tasks for the EMI/ESP lesson.
CE07 To design and present an EMI or ESP course considering current approaches, multimodal communication and technologies

Actividades formativas

Código Nombre
AF01 Lecturing
AF02 Coursework
AF03 Task-based learning (individually and in teams)
AF04 Collaborative learning task/assignment
AF05 Flipped classroom

Sistemas de evaluación

Código Nombre
SE01 Coursework
SE02 Individual task/assignment
SE03 Collaborative task/assignment
SE04 Participation and attendance